As mentioned before, following this tutorial you will learn to program by having Reeborg perform certain tasks. To know more about a specific task, you can click on the World Info button to display some information about that task. Clicking repeatedly on that button either shows or hides the window with that information.
Tasks can be separated in two groups:
Currently, you do not know enough to write programs for variable tasks. When you learn about the techniques required to write programs for variable tasks, you will see that they make it possible to also write shorter programs to solve fixed tasks.
The fixed tasks include:
There is one more fixed task, namely Newspaper 1, but you will first need to learn about something called an argument of a function before you can write a program that enables Reeborg to accomplish the required task easily.
You should try to write programs for at least a few of these tasks.
While you write your programs, each of which will consist of a specific of series of instructions, you have the advantage of seeing the entire world all at once. You should start to think about how Reeborg, who only sees the grid square where he is located, could take advantage of clues to determine its next action; this will be useful later on.
By making use of something known as Local Storage, Reeborg’s World remembers
the last program you work on in a given browser (Firefox or Chrome).
However, it might be useful for you to save your programs on your computer,
or on a usb key. You can do so, either by clicking on the button identified with
this image:
If you do save your programs, you will have to note for which world they are designed. To do so you can use comments:
# Solution to world Home 1
For educators
If you have already explained how to use function arguments, it might be useful to suggest the use of the World() function instead of simply using comments:
World("Home 1")
If the world currently displayed is not Home 1, then running this program will result in the selected world changing to Home 1 and the rest of the program will be ignored. Running it a second time (when the world shown is the desired world Home 1), the World() function will be ignored and the rest of the program will be executed.
Instead of using pre-defined worlds, you can use any world accessible by a URL somewhere on the web - perhaps on your own server or on a public repository like pastebin. For example, you might want to try the following:
"Token test")
Running this program should add one more world to the current selection. Note the second (optional) argument to World which, if provided, is used as the name appearing in the world selector.