A well-formed html page will look as follows:

  1. First, we have a doctype declaration. This simple form identifies html5, the latest (and best!) version of html. Previous versions required much more complex doctype declarations, such as
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">. Note that this doctype declaration has no closing tag associated with it.
  2. An html tag (with its associated closing tag as the last instruction). Here I've added some information about the language of the text (English) found on that page using the lang attribute; this is not absolutely necessary but is a good practice.
  3. A head section, containing information about the page itself. The only information I have included is about the character set used to encode the information on the page. This information is introduced via the self-closing (i.e. it has a "/" before the closing bracket) meta tag. If all the text found on the page is written using simple ascii characters (i.e. "normal" English letters and symbols), then this declaration is not going to do anything. However, if you have non-ascii characters, such as the e-acute in my first name, André, and the encoding is not specified, then my name might be displayed as André (or even worse) instead.
  4. Inside the head section, we also have the title. If present, it will normally appear in the browser tab.
  5. The body contains the information (text, images, etc.) that we wish the browser to display.

Your notebook

Keep your personal notes here. These notes are stored by your browser on your own computer, and will be available from any page on this site. You can choose to use html syntax for formatting.

HTML Add Note

  1. Tags
  2. Hyperlinks
  3. Well-formed page
  4. Style