HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. This language is used by your browser to figure out how to display the page content.

"Markup" means the addition of instructions [tags] to the browser identified by a pair of angle brackets <tag>. These instructions most often come in pairs surrounding some text, as follows:

<tag> some text </tag> where the / character in the second tag indicates the end of that instruction.

One of the exceptions to this "rule" that instructions (tags) come in pairs is for comments which are inserted as a note by a writer but are not shown by the browser. Such comments begin with the characters <!-- and end with -->, as indicated below.

Try to change the tags (both of them) from i to b or tt and see how the appearance of the text is modified. You can also try to add other pairs of tags elsewhere and see what happens; don't worry, no matter what you do, you are not going to break anything!

Your notebook

Keep your personal notes here. These notes are stored by your browser on your own computer, and will be available from any page on this site. You can choose to use html syntax for formatting.

HTML Add Note

  1. Tags
  2. Hyperlinks
  3. Well-formed page
  4. Style