for item in a_list:
for letter in word:
for _ in range(n):
Select world Around 1. You have seen before that Reeborg takes 9 steps before reaching the first square where he is blocked by having a wall in front of him. Let’s use the increment operator to have Reeborg keep track of the number of steps and stop just before hitting a wall:
number_of_steps = 0;
while number_of_steps < 9 : # "<" means "less than"
number_of_steps += 1
Try it!
Try to run the above. Then, modify the program to write the value of number_of_steps in Reeborg’s Diary each time it is incremented.
As we have seen, while loops can be used with numbers using the following pattern:
n = 0 # initialization
while n < max_value : # condition to end the loop
n += 1 # increment
Another way to write exactly the same program meaning is to use a for loop:
for n in range(max_value):
The for loop in Python can be used for much more than counting items. However, this will not be covered for now.
As we had mentioned before, Reeborg’s World includes repeat as a keyword that is not found in Python. Using repeat, the above for loop would, in principle, be written as:
repeat max_value:
provided that max_value was an actual number. From now on, we will not use repeat and will use instead the normal Python way using a for loop.