The key to being able to prevent a future event set by setTimeout(function, timeout) to happen is 1) use the fact that this function returns an event id; 2) assign this event id to a variable; 3) use clearTimeout(event_id) to cancel that future event.

Since doing so effectively stops the animation, and since essentially all games allow the user to stop them, we might as well implement a stop() function which will be used to cancel future events via the clearTimeout() call. Furthermore, we add a stop button by modifying the html code, which you can always look at by clicking on the image above.

Further explanation

The fact that we needed to add a way to stop the animation indicates that we may not always be aware of all the code that is running in the background. What happens if we are playing this game in a browser and switch to a different tab? Is the code still running? If so, does it impact the performance of our browser, especially when we have multiple tabs?

While browsers are becoming "smarter" in the way they deal with code running in a background, a new standard is emerging to replace setTimeout() by something better. If you want, you can read what Paul Irish and Jerome Etienne wrote on that topic and try to implement this code yourself. I will not do so since, as I am writing this, the cancelRequestAnimationFrame method does not work for the latest version of Firefox (8.0 beta). However, perhaps this will work by the time you are reading this, and you could improve the animation that way.

Get ahead of me!

Note how the above code is getting rather long. What I will do next, is to move parts of that code inside the html editor (which you can also do right now by simply cut-and-pasting it from the editor above into the html editor) so that we can focus on the parts that change only.

I will also implement a way to pause the animation, by adding a third button and the relevant javascript code. Why don't you try to do the same right now, before reading the next section?

Your notebook

Keep your personal notes here. These notes are stored by your browser on your own computer, and will be available from any page on this site. You can choose to use html syntax for formatting.

HTML Add Note

  1. Introduction
  2. Drawing a Ball
  3. Defining Ball Variables
  4. Animate!
  5. Stop!
  6. Pause
  7. Bounce!
  8. Bouncing correctly
  9. Adding a paddle