We now remove hard coded values and introduce named variables instead. This will enable us to keep all the required changes, if needed, in one place.


Other than for ctx, I follow the usual convention and (mostly) use ALL_CAPS to identify global variables. For now, I am more interested in getting a complete working game quickly than in trying to follow best code practice and encapsulate everything neatly inside objects, methods and functions. Nonetheless, by using ALL_CAPS for variable names, I will be reminded of what needs to be cleaned up at the end.

Get ahead of me!

Next, I will make the ball move. If you think you know how to do this, try it on your own before moving on to the code in the next section.

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  1. Introduction
  2. Drawing a Ball
  3. Defining Ball Variables
  4. Animate!
  5. Stop!
  6. Pause
  7. Bounce!
  8. Bouncing correctly
  9. Adding a paddle