Three formats...
Reeborg's World is the result of an evolution. First, there was the desktop application RUR-PLE, written entirely in Python. In this version, worlds could contain only robots, walls and beepers, and had a user-defined size. Worlds were essentially Python scripts, although the extension (.wld) hid that fact.
Next came the first complete version of the web-based Reeborg's World where worlds are json files and the world size came only in two different options (with corresponding small or large "tiles" or "grid cells"). Tokens were used instead of beepers and worlds could specify goals to be accomplished (having a robot at a given position, or putting an object at a defined location, etc.). In addition to tokens, one could have various shapes (triangle, squares and stars) with only one shape (or a number of tokens) at a given location. It was also possible to have some "mud" tiles, where Reeborg would get stuck.
The latest version of Reeborg's World is much richer, with many more types of objects, tile decoration and behaviour, as well as allowing worlds of different sizes. While it was possible to specify a final orientation for the robot in the "old" version, this is no longer the case in the new version; however, the desired goal can now be indicated by different image (tile) choices.
The following "tools" can be used to convert from one of the old world descriptions to the latest version.
Please enter an issue on Reeborg's code repository if you find that a conversion is not done correctly.
Conversion of worlds from RUR-PLE
Worlds for RUR-PLE, which are found in files with a ".wld" extension,
can be converted to json strings which can be copy/pasted into
files used by the new Reeborg's World version.
World conversion: from old Reeborg's World
Paste the content of a world (json) file from the old version of Reeborg's
World and press the "Convert world" button to obtain (in the textarea
below that button) the corresponding content in the new format.
Permalinks conversion: from old Reeborg's World
Paste the content of a permalink from the old version of Reeborg's
World and press the "Convert world" button to obtain (in the textarea
below that button) the corresponding content in the new format; note that
the URL is left unchanged and that you might have to change it
to point to the right html file.