Shades of CSS

If you look closely, you may notice that the above headline written in a blue font has a faint shadow seemingly appearing under each letter. Similarly, this text is in a window that appears to be floating above the page due to a shadow that borders it on two sides. These shadows are obtained using the CSS 3 text-shadow property.

In this tutorial, you will see various effects that one can obtain using text shadows. Note that while the text-shadow property is part of CSS3, some browsers differ in the way they have implemented it. In particular, I have found that Firefox tends to create "blurs" that are a lot more blurry (i.e. spatially spread out) than webkit-based browsers (Chrome and Safari) - these three being the only browsers that I do tests in.

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  1. Introduction
  2. Simple text shadows
  3. Vintage Retro
  4. Simple 3D Text
  5. 3D Text
  6. 3D Hovering Text
  7. Fire
  8. Neon
  9. Inset
  10. Embossed text