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19. Information for developers

There are no unit tests

I know, I know ...

In the meantime, you can select “Additional menu” and look at the various choices. When this document was last updated, there were two functional tests for Python and one for Javascript for the English version of the site (and one each for the French version).

Reeborg’s World code is on Github

Currently, there are two English versions: a development version, and an older “stable” version; the French version exists only as an adaptation of the development version. I will focus here on describing how to find the relevant files to work on the English development version.


Before you do any serious work on it, you might want to get in touch with me to make sure that the information given here is really up to date.

The main html file is

By commenting/uncommenting some lines, you can change it so that it can work without any Internet access, using local version of files instead of CDN ones. If you look at the source, it should be obvious which ones need to be changed; four global string replacements (probably only 2 if you use some regex-based string replacement assuming your editor supports it) are all that is needed to switch from one mode to another.

The main Javascript files are in The code is split up in various files, which are then concanetated into a single one ( which is the one loaded by the html file. This concatenation is done using a Windows batch file (combine_js.bat). I have not found the need to write a cross-platform solution (using a Python script) to do this.

Note that no minification is done. My original motivation was to make it easier to explore the code. For example, in Reeborg’s World, select Javascript as a programming language and run the following program:


You will see the code of that function extracted from the source and inserted into a CodeMirror instance with formatting intact. If you attempt to do the same from Python, you will see some Javascript code translated by Brython ... which will be less than useful.

Human-language specific Javascript files are found in

Some Python files that are required are found deep in a subdirectory of the Brython distribution

Using the javascript console in the browser, if you work with Python and define:

RUR.__debug = any_value   # I suggest to use false

the modified version of the user’s program, including the highlighting information will be printed to the console; this could be helpful if errors occur when highlighting is turned on, but not if it is turned off.

If RUR.__debug is set to any “true” value, additional information is printed to the Javascript console. I use this occasionnally if I want to roughly “trace” a program’s execution, to help find an error.

The information given above is probably enough to get you started. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.