Scope: local vs global ====================== First, a friendly reminder: .. important:: Rule # 1 Learning about computer programming is like learning to play a musical instrument: you have to **do it**, not simply read about it. Now that I have your attention, it is important that you try these on your own before reading further. .. topic:: Run these programs First run the following:: # First program a = 2 def test(): a = 3 print("inside test: ", a) test() Then, this one:: # Second program a = 2 def test(): print("inside test", a) test() print("after test", a) And another one:: # Third program a = 2 def test(): print("inside test", a) a = 3 test() print("after test", a) And yet one more:: # Fourth program a = 2 def test(): global a print("inside test", a) a = 3 test() print("after test", a) What is going on? ... The need for scope ------------------ .. index:: scope .. index:: ! global As I am writing this, the main Javascript program file that powers Reeborg's World,, contains approximately 6000 lines of code: this is likely quite a bit more than the programs you have written so far! (There are a few additional program files, including some written in Python, of course!) People working in collaboration will write programs that contains hundreds of thousands if not millions lines of code. As you can imagine, it is impossible to find meaningful names for variables that would have a unique meaning throughout entire programs. Suppose you and I collaborate to write a really, really long program. If I define the variable ``length`` to be ``32`` and you define a variable with the same name elsewhere and give it the value ``45``, we could have a problem when using this variable. Python, and most other programming languages, has a solution for this problem: variables that are defined within a function, are known only within this function. Thus, if **you** write a function and use a variable named ``length`` and if **I** write another function and also use a variable named ``length``, these will be treated as being different variables by Python. We say that these variables are **local** to the function, or that they have a **local scope**. Let's look back at the first program above. We define a variable named ``a`` inside a function ``test()``. This variable is considered to be **local** to that function; giving it a value does not affect the value of the variable ``a`` **outside** that function: the two variables are considered to be different. In the second program, we do **not** define a variable ``a`` inside the function ``test()``; that is, we do not have a line like:: a = something inside that function. When we ``print`` the value of the variable, Python recognizes that it is a variable likely defined outside the function (known as the **global** scope in Python), looks up in this global scope, finds a variable with that name, and uses it. .. note:: Believe it or not, the description here is a simplification. There is another Python keyword, ``nonlocal``, that refers to some intermediate scope between **local** and **global**. However, when I wrote this tutorial, I couldn't find any example relevant to Reeborg's World where it was useful to use ``nonlocal``. In the third program, Python finds that there is a variable ``a`` local to the function (which means it is defined inside the function) since there is a line:: a = something # with something equal to 3 here... So, Python determines that, inside the function, ``a`` always refer to the **local** variable. Since we attempt to print its value before we assign it, Python tells us it, in its own way, that it cannot do this. Finally, in the fourth program, we have added the line:: global a ``global`` is a Python keyword that tells Python that the variable ``a`` used **inside** the function is the same one defined **outside** the function (in the *global* scope). So, it already has a known value when the line:: print("inside test", a) is executed. The following line, ``a = 3``, changes the value of ``a`` so that, after executing ``test()``, ``a`` has this new value everywhere. .. important:: Whenever an experienced programmer sees a function with one or more variable names listed in a ``global`` statement, that programmer begins to worry: instead of just trying to understand that function, the programmer must figure out where else those variables might have been assigned some value, and how this could affect how the function will work. For this reason, experienced programmers always attempt to use other tools, which you have not yet learned about, to avoid having to use global variables. However, it is important that you learn how to use global variables and, more importantly, **when** to do so. Confused? --------- Many people find the concept of **scope** confusing the first time they see it. You may want to run the 4 programs again (and again!) and read the explanation a few times. Then, even if it is not entirely clear, you can safely move on to the next section. As you write more programs, the concept of scope will become easier to understand.