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9. Moving Paddle

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8. Paddle

In breakout, which is the game we are making, we hit a ball with a paddle. So, let’s draw the simplest paddle we can make: a rectangle.

Do this!

Write the following code in the Python editor:

def draw_paddle():
    x = 100
    y = canvas.height - 20
    width = 80
    height = 10
    ctx.fillStyle = "blue"
    ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height)

Add a call to draw_paddle just before drawing a circle in update. Make sure to test it.

8.1. Moving paddle?

So, we know how to draw a simple paddle. We now need to make it move. To do that, we need to change its x coordinate (the paddle usually does not move up and down on the screen). Note how I used a local variable inside draw_paddle to distinguish it from the other variable x that was used to move the circle. If I want to make the value of x inside draw_paddle change, I can either change its name (so as to distinguish it from the x denoting the position of the circle) or pass it as an argument to the function. However, if I do that, I still have to think of a name for it as I call it from outside the function. Perhaps something like: draw_paddle(paddle_x). And, suppose I want to give the option of changing its size, and perhaps its vertical position as well, the perhaps I should plan to pass all four variables as arguments, something like:

draw_paddle(paddle_x, paddle_y, paddle_width, paddle_height)



Whenever we see a possible confusion about variable names, or a multitude of new variables created in a program, it is time to think about what we are doing and try to see if there is a better way to think about the problem.

8.2. Paddle and ball

So far, we have drawn a paddle and a moving circle; that moving circle represents a ball in our game. So, we have two objects: a paddle and a ball, each having their own position, colour, size, etc. Since we already do quite a lot with the ball (circle), let’s focus on this one first and create a class of such objects and use a single instance (for now) in our program. Here’s the code to create such a class:

class Ball(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, radius=10, color='red', dx=5, dy=5):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.radius = radius
        self.color = color
        self.dx = dx
        self.dy = dy

    def draw(self):
        ctx.fillStyle = self.color
        ctx.arc(self.x, self.y, self.radius, 0, pi*2)

Note that we have given default values for most of the arguments, based on what we had so far.

Your turn!

Define the following class of objects. Then reorganize your code using the following steps:

  1. Inside start_animation(), create one instance of the Ball using the default values ball = Ball(10, 10) and make it draw itself usign ball.draw(). Remove all unused variables in that function. Make sure that ball is a global variable so that it is known outside this function.
  2. Inside update() replace the function call draw_circle(...) by the draw() method of the ball.
  3. Inside update(), replace all instances of x, y, dx and dy by the appropriate attributes of ball, i.e. ball.x, ball.y, etc. Remove any global variable that are no longer needed.
  4. Do the same for stay_in_world(). Yes, this is a bit tedious, and it does not look good, but it is required. We’ll make this look better in a while.
  5. Remove the function draw_circle from your library; it is no longer needed.
  6. Carefully read over your code (both in the Python Editor and in the Library) and remove any variables that are no longer needed.

Can you do one more thing?

Can you think of a simple method to add to the class Ball ?


What does the ball do inside update()?

8.3. More cleanup

Once you have done all of the above changes, reorganize your code (always making sure it works) by moving the Ball class and other definitions to your Library. Keep the definitions for update(), draw_paddle(), stay_in_world() and initial calls to functions in the Python Editor, ready for the next code improvement.

You may want to think about the code and see if any function should be given a different name.