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6. Help

Perhaps you are reading this after taking a pause for a few days away from your computer and you are asking yourself “How do I get the circle to move again?”. Of course, you can figure out by looking at the code in the Library, but this is an unnecessary distraction. Sometimes, when you are writing code, it is useful to be able to focus entirely on what you see on the screen without having to switch back and forth and lose your train of thoughts.

Yes, I know, you are doing this by alternating between reading this tutorial, going to the game page where you edit your code and run it, come back to this tutorial, etc. However, bear with me.

Our goal is to fix the code so that the circle bounces exactly at the edge of the canvas. To see if it is working properly, it is helpful to change the number of frames per second, to change the radius of the circle, to change the increments dx and dy by which the circle moves at each frame, etc., and run the code multiple times using different values. Here as a reminder is how we control the code.

  • We click on the run button to get the code working
  • Clicking on s starts the animation
  • Clicking on p pauses the animation
  • Clicking on r resumes the animation (after a pause)
  • Clicking on q quits altogether ** and is required before we can edit the code!**

So, let’s give ourselves a gentle reminder of this so we do not forget...

6.1. Writing text

We can write text on the html canvas. To do this, we must specify:

  • A colour to use; if not, black will be used as the default
  • A font choice, specifying the size and the font family.
  • A string to write
  • A position on the canvas to write it.

Here’s a sample code to do all this:

def write_help():
    ctx.font = "30px sans-serif"
    ctx.fillStyle = "lightgrey"
    ctx.fillText("S to start the animation", 50, 100)
    ctx.fillText("P to pause the animation", 50, 150)
    ctx.fillText("R to resume after a pause", 50, 200)
    ctx.fillText("Q to quit: click BEFORE editing!", 50, 250)

Your turn!

Write the above code in the editor and call the function where needed so that it is a constant reminder. I also found it useful to call clear_screen in animate (found in the Library) whenever q was clicked and ended the animation.


Remember that you clear the screen each time you update the animation; this includes any text already present.

As you work on your game, you may find other uses for writing text on the canvas. For example, perhaps you want to see how the value of a certain variable changes: you can write it on the screen.