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5. A token of appreciation

Reeborg likes to collect tokens. When he finds one on the ground, most often he takes it; sometimes he puts one down as well. The commands for having him do so can be simply written as follows:


Select world Tokens 1. There is a token right next to Reeborg. Note the number 1 inside it: the number will change depending on the number of tokens at that location. Next square, we see the outline of a token, with the number 1 outside it. This tells us that we should have Reeborg put one token at that location. Once this is done, we can see that it has been done correctly by comparing the number of tokens at that location (number inside the gold coloured token) and the expected number.

Try it!

Write a program to accomplish this task. Can your program also work, without any changes for world Tokens 2? The answer should be no, for now ... but, later, you will learn how to write a single program that can work properly for both worlds.

Try something else!

What happens if Reeborg attempts to put down a token when he does not carry one? What happens if Reeborg attempts to take a token where there is none to be found?

5.1. Being more specific

When you ask Reeborg to take() or put() something, he knows you are taking about tokens, his favourite objects. However, there are other objects that exist in Reeborg’s world. So, if you want to be more specific, you can write instead:


Note that the word token is surrounded by quotes, either single or double quotes. Try it out!

Try it!

Write a program to solve world Tokens 2 and using take("token") instead of simply take().