In the preceding lessons, we have designed a program that works in many more situations than just the original one we considered. (We could come up with other situations where it would not work ... but we have done enough for this exercise.) This program, before we forget, is to allow Reeborg to explore his world, going around once. While the program is rather short, and its structure should be clear at this point, it might not be so obvious to someone who just happened to see it for the first time. It’s probably a good idea either to add comments and/or to introduce more meaningful words. Let’s start by adding comments, somewhat more verbose than we think we might need:
// We mark the starting point by putting down a token
// We find a clear direction and start moving
while ( !front_is_clear() ) {
/* We know we will have gone around the world
when we come back to the place we put the token
down. */
while ( !token_here() ){
if (right_is_clear()){ // keep to the right
} else if (front_is_clear()){ // move ... following the right wall
} else {
turn_left(); // follow the wall by turning left
While this sort of clarifies our intent for each instruction, it is not really that helpful in summarizing the method (also known as the algorithm) used in solving the problem. Therefore, these comments might not be as helpful to another reader as we might have wished. Reading over the comments, we note that the program has two parts: #. mark the starting point; #. follow the right wall until we come back to the start.
Let’s rewrite this program so that these two parts become clearer, and writing the comments differently:
/* This program instructs Reeborg to go around his world
counterclockwise, stopping when he comes
back to his starting point. */
function mark_starting_point_and_move() {
while ( !front_is_clear() ) {
function follow_right_wall() {
if (right_is_clear()){
} else if (front_is_clear()){
} else {
var found_starting_point = token_here;
/* ***************
End of definitions above; program execution below .
while ( !found_starting_point() ){
Isn’t this much clearer?
Note: you might want to make a copy of follow_right_wall() in your library so that you can use it if you need it again.
We started with a simple problem to solve (going around a rectangular world) and, by improving little by little (also called stepwise refinement), we manage to write a program that could be used to solve many different problems. At each step, we kept the changes small, and made sure we had a working solution, before considering more complex problems. We also used more descriptive names for parts of the algorithm which made the program easier to read and, hopefully, to understand. This is a strategy you should use when writing your own programs:
Steps to follow when writing a program:
The last two parts are essentially the same as Rule # 2.
Now, make sure you have the working program in the editor before moving to next lesson.