require("./../rur.js"); var random = require("./../utils/random.js"); var shuffle = random.shuffle; var randint = random.randint; var default_palette; default_palette = { 'start': 'rgb(0, 190, 0)', 'two way': 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.2)', 'end': 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)', 'three way': 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)', 'four way': 'rgb(160, 0, 160)', 'in room': 'gravel' }; function set_custom_palette(user_palette, maze){ "use strict"; var i, key, keys; keys = Object.keys(user_palette); for(i=0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i]; maze.palette[key] = user_palette[key]; } } function color_tile(color, x, y) { // accept either background tile or color for flexibility var maze = RUR.get_current_world().maze; if (maze.use_colors === undefined) { return; } if(RUR.KNOWN_THINGS.indexOf(RUR.translate_to_english(color)) != -1){ RUR.add_background_tile(color, x, y); } else { RUR.add_colored_tile(color, x, y); } } function update_color(x, y) { "use strict"; // update color at location based on characteristics: // inside a room // starting point (fixed color) // number of walls surrounding the tile var color, walls, maze; maze = RUR.get_current_world().maze; if (maze.use_colors === undefined) { return; } if (RUR.in_room(x, y, maze.rooms)) { color = maze.palette["in room"]; } else if(x == maze.start.x && y == maze.start.y) { color = maze.palette["start"]; } else { walls = 0; if (RUR.is_wall("north", x, y)) { walls++; } if (RUR.is_wall("east", x, y)) { walls++; } if (RUR.is_wall("south", x, y)) { walls++; } if (RUR.is_wall("west", x, y)) { walls++; } switch (walls){ case 1: color = maze.palette['three way']; break; case 2: color = maze.palette['two way']; break; case 3: color = maze.palette['end']; break; case 0: color = maze.palette['four way']; break; default: color = "black"; } } color_tile(color, x, y); } /** @function in_room * @memberof RUR * @instance * * @desc This is meant to be used with mazes. Given an array of rooms, * which for a maze is `maze.rooms`, this function returns `true` if the * point `(x, y)` is within one of the rooms, and false otherwise. */ RUR.in_room = function (x, y, rooms) { "use strict"; // returns true if the point is within an existing room var r, room; for (r=0; r < rooms.length; r++) { room = rooms[r]; if (x >= room.x_min && x < room.x_max && y >= room.y_min && y < room.y_max) { return true; } } return false; }; /** @function delete_maze_info * @memberof RUR * @instance * * @desc Selectively delete maze info. If not argument is included, * the entire maze information is deleted from the world definition. */ RUR.delete_maze_info = function() { var i, world = RUR.get_current_world(); if (arguments.length === 0) { delete world.maze; return; } for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { delete world.maze[arguments[i]]; } }; function open_single_door(x, y, room, direction) { "use strict"; if (direction == "west") { x = room.x_min; } else if (direction == "east") { x = room.x_max - 1; } else if (direction == "north") { y = room.y_max - 1; } else if (direction == "south") { y = room.y_min; } try { RUR.remove_wall(direction, x, y); return {direction: direction, x:x, y:y}; } catch(e) { // world boundary walls cannot be removed return false; } } function open_doors(room, nb_doors_goal) { "use strict"; var directions, i, x, y, open = 0, door; x = room.x_min + randint(room.x_max-room.x_min); y = room.y_min + randint(room.y_max-room.y_min); directions = ["east", "west", "north", "south"]; shuffle(directions); for (i=0; i < directions.length; i++) { door = open_single_door(x, y, room, directions[i]); if (door) { room.doors.push(door); open++; if (open==nb_doors_goal) { return; } } } } function fit_non_overlapping_rooms(world_width, world_height) { /* Given a goal of N rooms, makes 5*N^2 attempt to randomly find spaces for putting rooms that are entirely contained with the world and do not overlap with each other */ "use strict"; var i, nb_attempts, nb_rooms, nb_rooms_goal, overlap, room, x, y, xx, yy, width, height, maze; maze = RUR.get_current_world().maze; i = 0; nb_rooms = 0; nb_rooms_goal = maze.nb_rooms_goal; nb_attempts = 5 * nb_rooms_goal * nb_rooms_goal; while (i < nb_attempts) { i++; if (maze.room_max_width) { width = maze.room_width + randint(maze.room_max_width - maze.room_width); } else { width = maze.room_width; } if (maze.room_max_height) { height = maze.room_height + randint(maze.room_max_height - maze.room_height); } else { height = maze.room_height; } x = randint(world_width - width + 1) + 1; y = randint(world_height - height + 1) + 1; overlap = false; overlap_loop: for (xx=x-1; xx <= x+width; xx++){ for (yy=y-1; yy <= y+height; yy++) { if (RUR.in_room(xx, yy, maze.rooms)) { overlap = true; break overlap_loop; } } } if (!overlap) { maze.rooms.push({x_min:x, y_min:y, x_max:x+width, y_max:y+height, doors: []}); nb_rooms++; if (nb_rooms == nb_rooms_goal) { return; } } } } function init_maze(world) { world.maze = {}; world.maze.rooms = []; world.maze.start = {}; world.maze.palette = {}; } /** @function create_maze * @memberof RUR * @instance * * @desc Creates a maze of a specified size. This is done with a * depth-search wall removal algorithm.<br><br> * * **Note**: When `options.recording` is set to `true`, the number of * steps required to build and show the maze is `max_x * max_y + 3`; * if required, use `set_max_nb_steps()` to increase the default limit * of 1000.<br><br> * * **For the palette**: any color value recognized by html/javascript * (i.e. `red`, `rgb(126, 230, 0)`, `#ffc356`, etc., can be used). * * @param {integer} max_x The width of the world. * @param {integer} max_y The height of the world. * @param {object} [options] * @param {bool} [options.small_tiles] Indicates if small tiles must be used. * This is useful for larger mazes * @param {bool} [options.recording] If `true`, the walls being removed * will be shown as they are removed one by one, in a series of frames. * This is only useful for demonstration, and will only visible if the * maze is created as part of the Pre code or the main code - but not in * the Onload phase. * @param {bool} [options.use_colors] If `true`, the path construction will be * shown using a pre-defined color scheme, indicating the starting point, * and the branching points. * @param {bool} [options.visible_grid] If `true`, the grid will be (possibly more) visible. * This is equivalent to writing `RUR.state.visible_grid = true` in your program. * This might be useful if you have `options.use_colors == true` and choose a * custom palette with opaque colors. * @param {obj} [options.palette] An optional color palette. You can replace * any or all of the default colors. * @param {string} [options.palette['start']] Color to use as starting point. * @param {string} [options.palette['end']] Color used to indicate that we have * reached a dead end. * @param {string} [options.palette['two way']] Color to use in "corridors". * @param {string} [options.palette['three way']] Color to use in simple junctions. * @param {string} [options.palette['four way']] This happens relatively rarely: * it correspond to a grid square not in a room but open on all sides. * */ RUR.create_maze = function (max_x, max_y, options) { "use strict"; var world, available_area, max_area, room_max_width, room_max_height; world = RUR.create_empty_world(); if (options && options.small_tiles) { world.small_tiles = true; } RUR.set_current_world(world); init_maze(world); RUR.set_world_size(max_x, max_y); RUR._recording_(false); fill_walls(max_x, max_y); if (options) { if (options.use_colors) { world.maze.use_colors = true; set_custom_palette(default_palette, world.maze); if (options.palette) { // selectively replace default colors set_custom_palette(options.palette, world.maze); } } if (options.recording) { RUR._recording_(true); RUR.record_frame("create_maze", "wall filled"); } if (options.visible_grid) { RUR.state.visible_grid = true; } if (options.nb_rooms_goal) { world.maze.nb_rooms_goal = options.nb_rooms_goal; room_max_width = 1; room_max_height = 1; if (options.room_width) { world.maze.room_width = options.room_width; room_max_width = options.room_width; if (options.room_max_width && options.room_max_width > options.room_width) { world.maze.room_max_width = options.room_max_width; room_max_width = options.room_max_width; } } else { world.maze.room_width = 1; } if (options.room_height) { world.maze.room_height = options.room_height; room_max_height = options.room_height; if (options.room_max_height && options.room_max_height > options.room_height) { world.maze.room_max_height = options.room_max_height; room_max_height = options.room_max_height; } } else { world.maze.room_height = 1; } available_area = max_x * max_y; max_area = options.nb_rooms_goal * room_max_width * room_max_height; if (max_area >= available_area) { throw new RUR.ReeborgError("Invalid maze: too much space potentially occupied by rooms."); } if (options.nb_doors_goal) { world.maze.nb_doors_goal = options.nb_doors_goal; } else { world.maze.nb_doors_goal = 0; } } } remove_walls_dfs(max_x, max_y, world.maze); RUR._recording_(true); RUR.record_frame("create_maze", "completed"); }; function fill_walls(max_x, max_y) { "use strict"; var x, y; for(x=1; x < max_x; x++){ for(y=1; y < max_y; y++){ RUR.add_wall("east", x, y); RUR.add_wall("north", x, y); } RUR.add_wall("east", x, max_y); } for(y=1; y < max_y; y++){ RUR.add_wall("north", max_x, y); } } /**@function fill_walls * @memberof RUR * @instance * @desc Fills the entire world with walls. */ RUR.fill_walls = function() { "use strict"; var world, max_x, max_y, recording_state; world = RUR.get_current_world(); max_x = world.cols; max_y = world.rows; recording_state = RUR._recording_(false); fill_walls(max_x, max_y); RUR._recording_(recording_state); RUR.record_frame("fill_walls"); }; function make_room(room, vis) { "use strict"; var i, j, in_room_color, recording_state, x, y, x_max, y_max, world; world = RUR.get_current_world(); in_room_color = world.maze.palette["in room"]; x = room.x_min; x_max = room.x_max; y = room.y_min; y_max = room.y_max; recording_state = RUR._recording_(false); for(i=x; i < x_max-1; i++){ for(j=y; j < y_max-1; j++) { try { // could be boundary wall RUR.remove_wall("east", i, j); } catch (e) {} try { RUR.remove_wall("north", i, j); } catch (e) {} color_tile(in_room_color, i, j); vis[i-1][j-1] = true; } try { RUR.remove_wall("east", i, y_max-1); } catch (e) {} color_tile(in_room_color, i, y_max-1); vis[i-1][j-1] = true; } for(j=y; j < y_max-1; j++) { try { RUR.remove_wall("north", x_max-1, j); } catch (e) {} color_tile(in_room_color, x_max-1, j); vis[i-1][j-1] = true; } color_tile(in_room_color, x_max-1, y_max-1); vis[x_max-2][y_max-2] = true; RUR._recording_(recording_state); } /* Depth-first search wall removal See Adapted from the Python version found at 1. We pick a random cell 2. We select a random neighbouring cell ... 3. ... that has not been visited 4. We remove the wall between the two cells and add the neighbouring cell to the list of cells having been visited. 5. If there are no unvisited neighbouring cell, we backtrack to one that has at least one unvisited neighbour; this is done until we backtract to the original cell. */ function remove_walls_dfs(w, h, maze){ var i, j, vis, temp, x_init, y_init; vis = []; for(i = 0; i<w; i++){ temp = []; for(j=0; j<h; j++){ temp.push(false); } vis.push(temp); } fit_non_overlapping_rooms(w, h); for(i=0; i < maze.rooms.length; i++){ var room = maze.rooms[i]; make_room(room, vis); if (maze.nb_doors_goal) { open_doors(room, maze.nb_doors_goal); } } while (true) { x_init = randint(w); // 1. pick a random cell, not in a room y_init = randint(h); if (!vis[x_init][y_init]) { break; } } color_tile(maze.palette['start'], x_init+1, y_init+1); maze.start.x = x_init+1; maze.start.y = y_init+1; walk(x_init, y_init, vis); } function walk(x, y, vis){ var i, d, dd, xx, yy, recording_state; vis[x][y] = true; // 4. add start cell to visited d = [[x - 1, y], [x, y + 1], [x + 1, y], [x, y - 1]]; shuffle(d); // 2. randomize neighbours for(i=0; i<=3; i++){ dd = d[i]; // 2. pick neighbours in random order xx = dd[0]; yy = dd[1]; if(vis[xx] && vis[xx][yy]){ // 3. ignore visited continue; } if (vis[xx] === undefined || vis[xx][yy] === undefined){ continue; // not in the world } recording_state = RUR._recording_(false); if (xx === x) { // 4. remove wall ... // add 1 to x & y compared with vis which is zero-based RUR.remove_wall("north", x+1, Math.min(y, yy)+1); update_color(x+1, y+1); update_color(x+1, yy+1); } else { RUR.remove_wall("east", Math.min(x, xx)+1, y+1); update_color(x+1, y+1); update_color(xx+1, y+1); } RUR._recording_(recording_state); RUR.record_frame("from maze, updating colors"); walk(xx, yy, vis); // recursive call; push ahead } } // end recursive call, effectively backtrack