require("./../drawing/visible_world.js"); require("./../rur.js"); // Returns a random integer between min and max (both included) randint = function (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }; /** @function world_init * @memberof RUR * @instance * @summary This function is called automatically just before a program is run. * It identifies which objects (including goals) are initially assigned unknown * random values, and assigns the required values. A world creator should * never need to call this function. * */ RUR.world_init = function () { "use strict"; var coords, i, obj, objects, objects_here, nb, range, robot; var position, goal, total_nb_objects = {}; var world = RUR.get_current_world(); // First, deal with objects if (world.objects !== undefined){ objects = world.objects; for (coords in objects){ if (objects.hasOwnProperty(coords)){ objects_here = objects[coords]; for (obj in objects_here){ if (objects_here.hasOwnProperty(obj)){ nb = objects_here[obj]; if (nb.toString().indexOf("-") != -1){ range = nb.split("-"); nb = randint(parseInt(range[0], 10), parseInt(range[1], 10)); if (nb !== 0){ objects_here[obj] = nb; } else { delete objects_here[obj]; } } if (total_nb_objects[obj] === undefined){ if (parseInt(nb, 10) !== 0) { total_nb_objects[obj] = parseInt(nb, 10); } } else { total_nb_objects[obj] += parseInt(nb, 10); } } } if (Object.keys(world.objects[coords]).length === 0){ delete world.objects[coords]; } } } } // then look for "goals" with "all" as value; if (world.goal !== undefined && world.goal.objects !== undefined){ objects = world.goal.objects; for (coords in objects){ if (objects.hasOwnProperty(coords)){ objects_here = objects[coords]; for (obj in objects_here){ if (objects_here.hasOwnProperty(obj)){ nb = objects_here[obj]; if (nb == "all") { try { if (total_nb_objects[obj] !== undefined) { objects_here[obj] = total_nb_objects[obj]; } else { delete objects[coords][obj]; } } catch (e) { $("#world-info-button").click(); $("#World-info").html("<b>Warning</b> Trying to assign a goal when no corresponding objects are found in the world."); } } } } if (Object.keys(world.goal.objects[coords]).length === 0){ delete world.goal.objects[coords]; } } } } // next, initial position for robot // we can have many robots, with randomly chosen positions if (world.robots !== undefined && world.robots.length >= 1){ for (i=0; i < world.robots.length; i++){ robot = world.robots[i]; if (robot.possible_initial_positions !== undefined) { position = robot.possible_initial_positions[randint(0, robot.possible_initial_positions.length-1)]; robot.x = position[0]; robot.y = position[1]; robot._prev_x = robot.x; robot._prev_y = robot.y; delete robot.possible_initial_positions; } if (robot._orientation == RUR.RANDOM_ORIENTATION){ robot._orientation = randint(0, 3); robot._prev_orientation = robot._orientation; } } } if (world.goal !== undefined && world.goal.possible_final_positions !== undefined && world.goal.possible_final_positions.length > 1) { goal = world.goal; position = goal.possible_final_positions[randint(0, goal.possible_final_positions.length-1)]; goal.position.x = position[0]; goal.position.y = position[1]; delete goal.possible_final_positions; } RUR.vis_world.draw_all(); // draw_all instead of refresh in case // small_tiles was set in the meantime };